Sharing my faith and my life one day at a time.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Link Love: October 18, 2010

It's been more than a month since I shared a lot of delicious stuff I have stumbled upon the web! Prepare yourself for a lot of link love today.

Tweeting the Bible One Chapter at a Time by Church Crunch
I started following @biblesummary on Twitter and found it fascinating to see a 140-character summary of each chapter in the Bible. It works much better if your Bible reading plan is synschronized with it!

Tips to Get Fit and Healthy Behind the Desk by fitsugar
I have days when my mobile desk job keeps me sitting down all day. These tips are a great reminder that I need to find ways to stay fit even on sedentary days.

An Interesting Challenge From My Friendly Atheist Friend by
If you are a believer, Anne Jackson's atheist friend (who I believe is a good person) poses a provoking challenge.

Do you have days when your tasks are all on top of each other that you need reminders throughout the day? This website sends you a reminder e-mail at an appointment time to let you know about your deadline. You can also use this service to remind other people on your team and get notified once those tasks are accomplished. Pretty neat!

If you are a blogger and you want to create a coffee table book based on your best / most popular posts, this service is exceptional! One of my upcoming projects at the end of the year. Also makes a great gift for your friend whose blog you love!

Vegetable Salad with Beets and Goat Cheese by Ingredients, Inc.
A delicious late summer salad. If you love your greens, you will like this recipe.

Mama Mia's Maternity Book by Johanna McShan
What a brilliant idea! A photo book that chronicles a woman's pregnancy.

Danny & Annie by StoryCorps
A beautifully presented love story that is guaranteed to make you cry.

RED Letter Words
Faith-inspired art that I want on my future home's wall.

11 Questions We Should Ask About Our Marriage! by Perry Noble
I will never get tired of saying this. Our marriage is stronger by the grace of God and the accountability of other people who love God.

Catalyst East 2010: Recap Video
A great video summary of an extraordinary conference.

Catalyst Photos // LABS #CAT10
Great photos taken of this year's Catalyst East Labs.
A great idea that started as a blog that has since evolved into a full-featured website. It aims to reunite lost cameras (and the photos inside them) to its rightful owners.

The New Way to Find the Best Airfare Deals by
Looks like I have been doing it the ancient way!

Solomon on Social Media by
Excellent article! If the Bible's Solomon were alive today and immersed in social media, what would be his guidelines?

Children's Bible Reading Plan by Head Heart Hand
Are you a parent looking for a guide to start engaging your children in reading the Bible. Here is a free plan that might work for you.

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