I also love learning from other people who are REALLY good at it. One of my favorite sources of online makeup application tutorials is Temptalia.com. Visit the website when you get the chance!
I still feel a little uneasy doing makeup on other people. I think I still have a long way to go in my makeup application skill.
However, when my good friend Anna asked me to apply her makeup for a party she was going to, I couldn't say no. I really wanted her to look pretty just in time for our friend Carla's party.
I wanted to apply a simple, neutral look for her eyes for that particular event. She is the matron of honor in Carla's wedding a few days after that. Therefore, I did not want to do anything too dramatic on her eyes that will upstage her wedding makeup.
Here is my consistent, go-to video in applying neutral eyes in five minutes:
I am still waiting for Anna to send me a picture of her finished look! I wasn't able to take one from my own camera.
By the way, here is a video recap of Joe and Carla's lovely wedding. Single ladies, hope this inspires you!
Carla (Rica) Peralejo and Joe Bonifacio's Same Day Edit from Jason Magbanua on Vimeo.
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