Sharing my faith and my life one day at a time.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

A Sweet Celebration

Robert's School of World Missions class are trained on how to officiate weddings, home dedications, child dedications, and funerals. The class decided to hold a "mock" wedding ceremony to complete class requirements for Pastor Luther Mancao.

Only it's not really a "mock" wedding. They decided to make it more real by holding a Reaffirmation of Vows ceremony for me and Rob :)

March 19th was the date -- close to our first year anniversary. We had one week to pull off a nice wedding :)

Therefore, me, Rob and classmate Shawie Milan got our heads together exactly a week before March 19th. A decided on a theme "A Sweet Celebration" -- an afternoon of love and desserts!

I promise to blog more on the details of the wedding, simple tips on pulling off something nice last-minute (yes you can!).

Everything was so pretty!! Rob's classmates did so much in making the theme come to life. I was blown away on how they can put so much love into this. They are the best! And I am so grateful :)

On top of that, I was so happy to see friends -- Kris, Malou, LJ, Anna, Miro -- who took time out from their busy Holy Week schedules to spend time with us. It meant the world to us!

We also learned a few new things from Pastor Luther. He is amazing! His passion for God has always inspired me from day 1.

Did not really expect to cry but the vows kinda choked me up (for those who missed it -- will blog the vows in a future post). I really really love my husband more today than ever. The love truly grows everyday. I am humbled on how Our Father can give me and Rob extraordinary grace to work out a marriage every single day.

Please view the slideshow below for pictures.

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