5 Sure-Fire Winter Skin Moisturizers Under $15 by BellaSugar
When it comes to hydrating skin dried out by cold wind and indoor heating, you don't have to go high-end to get something soothing and highly hydrating. Perfect choices for a budget-conscious person like myself!
Get Natasha Bedingfield's Sweetly Shaggy Hairstyle by BellaSugar
The stylist who created Natasha Bedingfield's messy look, Caile Noble of the Serge Normant at John Frieda Salon in LA, gave a step-by-step breakdown on getting this look right. This was the basis of my new hair style.
6 Reasons Why I Am Thankful for Blogging by BLOGGINGPRO
Andrew G. Rosen resonates by own feelings why I am grateful to be given an opportunity to have a voice in this crazy, online universe.
50 Free Resources That Will Improve Your Writing Skills by SMASHING MAGAZINE
Smashing Magazine collected over 50 useful and practical tools and resources that will help us to improve our writing skills.
The Lure of Public Productivity by catalystspace
I just loved Pete Wilson's insights on John Piper's recent announcement to step down from his ministry role to work on his marriage. I also can't wait to visit his church when we move to Nashville!
In February 2009, Don Carson presented a 14-part seminar entitled “The God Who Is There” at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis. This series will serve the church well because it simultaneously evangelizes non-Christians and edifies Christians by explaining the Bible’s storyline in a non-reductionistic way. Full audio and video are available for free on the website.
My Twitter Toolbox by Chris Brogan
Brogan has mastered productivity in using social media tools. His in-depth description on how he uses and manages his Twitter account has challenged me to evaluate how I interact with mine.
3 Ways to Groom Your Eyebrows by EVERYDAY with Rachael Ray
Everything any girl needs to know about having well-groomed eyebrows. Ladies, this is something we must be on top of every day.
How to Grow a Leader by CHURCHLEADERS.COM
This one page PDF article by KidLead gives parents practical tips on how to develop the leadership qualities of their kids.
Catalyst Dallas
The famous (and rightly so) Catalyst Conference is opening its third location in Dallas, Texas on May 11 to 13. The theme is 'Take Courage.' We are praying about being a part of this gathering.
God Uses Critics to Help Us by Josh Harris
Being criticized is a good thing! My constant prayer is to always receive them graciously and never have the desire to 'put anyone in their place.'
Preaching Notes Series by Josh Harris
This is a great learning series. Why? Josh Harris was able to obtain manuscripts of preaching notes by well-known preachers such as Mark Dever, Mike Bullmore, C.J. Mahaney and Tim Keller.
13 e-books to Put on Your Brand-New Kindle by Michael Hyatt
Kind of biased because most books are from the publishing company that he leads but since I have read 10 out of those 13 titles this year, it is still a great list to look at!
15 Books That Have IMPACTED Me Personally by Perry Noble
Great reading list! Just started reading #13 -- The Grace of God by Andy Stanley. I love how it is making an impact on me as well.
5 Books I Want to Read Before 2011 by Neli Atiga
And another reading list worth sharing! I got 'Decoded' by Jay-Z for Robert on Christmas and we just started going through it. I cannot say I am a hiphop expert (because I'm not) but I have found myself really connected to a couple of songs in that genre in 2010. One them being 'Not Afraid' by Eminem. While a lot of Christians give a lot of grief to fellow believers who listen to hiphop, I love listening to a person's life story and being exposed to the kind of pain/suffering he went through.
iPad Guide: 25+ Essential Resources for Your Apple Tablet by Mashable
The ultimate, non-manual guide to one of the best inventions! I got my iPad in April 2010 and it is now an indispensable tool to my work and personal productivity.
Get Started With a Reading Plan by YouVersion
Ready for a new Bible reading plan for 2011? This link is a great starting point.
Lasting Student Ministry
A 64-page e-Book for youth pastors that has been buzzing with great reviews. Bought this for Rob and excited to learn from the wisdom of great 14 youth leaders.
(Note: I have a new 'feature' on this blog called 'On The Radar.' You will see it on the right side of the blog. You will discover more links to valuable content that I feel is worth sharing right away, instead of waiting for it to be featured on 'Link Love.' Hope you enjoy the stuff I share with you!)
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