Sharing my faith and my life one day at a time.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Verse Download: Sanctified

"Sanctify them by Your truth, Your word is truth. As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world." (John 17:17-18)

According to God's Word, He will enable me to be clean, holy and blessed before He sends me. I just think about the times He challenged my dreams, stretched my faith, and gently reminded me in instances where I am in danger of glorifying myself. I wouldn't have been ready to share His truth with others if I didn't go through the sanctification process that I went through.

And the process never ends. Everyday, there is something that needs to be strengthened in my life and God has been faithful in this building process.

Then there is the battle with the enemy of my soul. He tries to remind me of past failures to make me feel like God has no use for me.

I have found myself being in a place of defeat and hopelessness when his lies catch me off guard.

And yet my Father always gives me an opportunity to set myself free from these lies through His grace. And when this I go for this opportunity, I am once again re-aligned in His will and become empowered.

I always hear the expression, "The truth will set you free." Ever since knowing Jesus and giving my life to Him, this statement takes on a completely whole new meaning.

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