Sharing my faith and my life one day at a time.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Day 09: Heart of the Matter

Relating and Not Waiting

Today’s Bible Verse
“The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” (Genesis 2:18)

This chapter challenged me on developing an area of my character that needs improvement. I obviously value my relationships with my family and closest friends.

However, I have days where I feel too exhausted to know new people and just hold on to the ones I already know.

I consider this attitude a direct disobedience to what God has called me to do. Relationship-building is valuable to God.

He wants all of His children to value human connection over accumulating a huge amount of money or any other material thing (or even focus on just 1 human being in your life).

None of these can comfort me, console me, cry with me or love me. Today challenged me to add quality connections to my life on a daily basis.

I am actually really blessed – my husband is the BEST mentor on developing quality relationships with people from all walks of life.

Today’s Activities

Today, we left Bellevue, NE by car to go to Nashville, TN. The purpose of our trip to Nashville is to participate in the training for Ministry of Partnership Development.

To explain it briefly, partnership development is inviting people to be part of God’s work by financially supporting Christian missionaries like us to continue doing what we do.

I am really excited to know how we can accomplish this because Robert and I know deep in our hearts that being ambassadors of Jesus Christ is something that we are called to do.

Our road trip from Nebraska to Nashville was a total of 11 hours, 43 minutes (that includes the little stops we made).

We covered 744 miles.

I really love road trips with Rob. I just love it. I cannot find any other words to describe the pleasure I get out of traveling with him.

I know it is probably so easy for me to say so because he does all the driving – HAHA. But truthfully, there is nothing more pleasurable than having hours of great conversation with your best friend and soul mate.

Sure there are the “I love you’s” and the “You’re the best husband ever” lines. And don’t get me wrong, those are GREAT -- I can never get enough of them.

But what I am talking about are the meaty conversations about life, about God, about ministry, our own personal walks with Christ, our dreams for ourselves and the people we deeply care about – nothing brings me more joy than those conversations with my husband.

We arrived in Nashville a little before midnight. We were welcomed by a family – Paul and Tina Dario -- we never met before but oh so graciously received us.

I feel Jesus’ love on an entirely different level in moments like these. I keep on telling Robert this. I really dream of someday owning a home of at least 4 big bedrooms so we can host people often and make sure they have a place to stay whenever they are in our town. Can't wait to see that day arrive!

Photo: I took the sunset photo while on the road to Nashville.

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