Sharing my faith and my life one day at a time.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

An Afternoon with Ms. Joy Muleta

I had a wonderful afternoon having coffee with my "ninang" Ms. Joy Muleta. Actually, it was coffee for me and mushroom soup for her.
We had hours of great conversation -- catching up, sharing "wife" and "life" experiences, and having several good laughs!

For the past two (2) years, she has patiently mentored me in many crucial areas of ministry. I am extremely grateful for all the wonderful things she has taught me. I have grown so much as a woman and as God's child because she showed me what Jesus truly thought of me.

There is absolutely nothing like spending an afternoon with a seasoned woman of God! When you get the chance, please visit her Multiply site.

Thank you my mentor and friend!

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